Contact Us
As a benefit of membership, the Musicians Union offers dental insurance for an additional charge.
For more information go to the Membership page and click on Healthcare.
3209 Eastlake Ave. East, Seattle, WA 98102
Street parking available on Eastlake Ave, south of our building or on Fairview Ave, west of our building. Our access to the parking lot behind the building has been revoked due to a state construction project.
Our offices are located just south of the University Bridge on the west side of Eastlake Ave.
Google Map
Traffic Cam (aimed at our offices on the left)
P: (206) 441-7600
F: (206) 728-6466
Office Hours
Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm
Closed for lunch 12:30pm-1:30pm
After Hours/Holiday Contact for Musician Referrals
Warren Johnson
Motter Snell
Nate Omdal
Vice President
Warren Johnson
Executive Board
Al Hirsch
Christopher Jones
Marc Smason
Valerie Tung
Bargaining Unit Reps.
Mary Ann Lee
Cornish Dance Musicians
Beverly Setzer
Tacoma Symphony Musicians
Koryn Orcutt
5th Avenue Theatre
Alicia Rinehart
Paramount Theater Musicians
Jay Easton
Village Theatre Musicians
Nate Omdal
Asst. Organizer
Olivia Hamilton