Who is eligible?
Current Local 76-493 members in good standing
How do I qualify?
You must be experiencing a period of uninvited financial hardship
What kind of relief is available and how much?
1.Third Party Bill Payment
Life events that occur that qualify a member for third party bill payments include those that interrupt or inhibit a member’s ability to perform or otherwise pursue their profession or a life changing event making it very difficult or impossible to cover one’s expenses for food, shelter and or medical needs.
Up to and including $ 5000.00 is available in one calendar year for any member in good standing who is otherwise eligible to receive third party bill payments
2. Non-Interest- Bearing Loans
Life events that occur that qualify a member for a non-interest- bearing loan include those that interrupt or inhibit a member’s ability to perform or otherwise pursue their profession or a sudden blow to the member’s cash flow that is temporary in nature. Up to and including $2000 is available for a member seeking a non-interest bearing loan
How do I apply?
Members seeking either third party bill payment relief or a non-interest- bearing loan must complete and deliver to the Secretary-Treasurer a board approved Emergency Relief Fund application form. Contact Warren Johnson at warren@local76-493.org or call 206-441-7600
The Executive Board of Local 76-493 shall be empowered to set lower limits than the maximum dollar amounts if it is deemed the financial health of the fund is at risk or the number of applicants in any given calendar year proves too big of a drain on the fund’s resources.
For complete details and limitations please request a copy of the entire resolution 1-2017 from the office along with your application.